
Archive for June, 2024


We need more love in this world.

Love is a word we can use too easily (“I love chocolate”) and/or not enough (how often do you tell your loved ones that you love them?)

But I reckon it’s at the foundation and the core of a good life, of a good society, of a good relationship.

I’m thinking of the love we feel and give without any expectation of return. I don’t mean desire. Desire might be coloured by love, but it might not. I mean the love that directs and maintains our attention. The love that enables us to notice, to care. The love that doesn’t judge, the love that opens our heart to “the other”, not to possess, or own, or control, or to make them the same as we are. But the love that stirs curiosity, makes us want to know the other better, more deeply, more fully.

Is my action loving? Are my words loving? Am I thinking loving thoughts?

I wish we could all put love at the heart, at the core, in the foundations of all we do, say and think…..as much as we possibly can.

In a world riven with divisions, hatred and fear, the answer, surely, is love.

Here’s my challenge, to myself, and to you….this week, just notice each day every time you feel love in your heart. (and maybe note it down somewhere, in a journal, a notebook, on your phone). Then let’s reflect in a week’s time, and set an intention to love a little bit more.

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